The “editor’s choice” was selected by LA+ Journal’s Editor in Chief from among the non-awarded, long- and short-listed entries. It will be published in LA+ Journal’s LA+ INTERRUPTION issue (Spring 2023)
Anna Feldman, Gagani Warnakulasooriya + Danyelle Bailey (Australia)
Location of Interruption: Any architect, anywhere

All over the world architects are asking themselves, “How can I make this project more ‘green’?” And all too often the answer is to put some plants on it, without a nuanced consideration of whether a green wall or roof is really a suitable (and environmentally friendly) option in the circumstances. The Heatherwick Hat is a structure designed to support the growth of plants over the human body – developed as a (satirical) interruption to this process. Rather than installing plants on structures, architects can simply don The Hat.